UQ Skills logoCertificate III in Agriculture traineeship

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Nationally accredited

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18 months

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Government subsidised

Prepare for a career in mixed cropping, livestock farming and agricultural operation with the Certificate III in Agriculture AHC30122.

This traineeship will take you through all stages of the agricultural life cycle, including land preparation, crop production and maintenance, pest and plant disease management, and livestock farming.

You’ll also learn how to use key agricultural machinery and vehicles to effectively and efficiently undertake agricultural work.

Topics include:

  • safe and sustainable work practices
  • essentials for crop production and harvesting
  • application of chemicals for weed control
  • design and construction of fencing
  • operation of farm vehicles
  • handling, feeding and monitoring livestock.

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How you'll learn

Join the growing agricultural industry by completing your studies through the Queensland Government’s traineeship program.

Traineeships combine training with working a real job, with a real boss, for a real wage. As a trainee, you’ll work towards the completion of this qualification while learning valuable skills at work and under the guidance of our UQ Skills team.

UQ Skills offers a blended model, combining online learning with onsite workplace training and assessment sessions at approved locations, as well as practical skills training at our Gatton campus.

On average, a traineeship takes place over 18 months.


You will be assessed through written exams and reports, oral presentations and practical demonstrations.

Start date

You can start this online program anytime.

You must be employed as a trainee within a suitable rural business.

All UQ Skills programs require access to a computer with a Windows operating system, up-to-date versions of Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader, and a reliable internet connection.

Apply for this program

Whether you’re looking to complete your traineeship as part of a school-based program, or directly with an employer, contact the Australian Apprenticeship Support Network and nominate UQ Skills as your training provider.

Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) testing

You’re required to complete a language, literacy and numeracy test as part of the enrolment process. This helps us identify and plan for any learning or support needs you may have before you start your training.

Recognition of Prior Learning

If you have recent work experience you may be eligible to apply for Recognition of Prior Learning.

Create your USI

You must provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI) before we can accept your enrolment.


2025 UQ Skills Student Handbook (PDF, 2.5 MB) (includes student support and guidance on fees, withdrawal and other policy information).

You'll need to contribute to the cost of your training through a co-contribution fee.

Fees are reflective of subject choice and will vary depending on units chosen.

  • School-based trainees: free
  • Concessional fee: $627.20
  • Non-concessional fee: $1,568
  • Full fee without funding: $5,225

The fee you pay will depend on your eligibility to receive funding under the traineeship User Choice funding model offered by the Queensland Government’s Department of Employment, Small Business and Training.

To gain this qualification, you’ll need to successfully complete 2 core units and 14 elective units, which can be chosen from the list below. This allows you to tailor your studies.

Core units
CourseCourse code
Contribute to work health and safety processesAHCWHS302
Apply environmentally sustainable work practicesAHCWRK320
CourseCourse code
Undertake preparation of land for agricultural crop productionAHCBAC309
Establish agricultural cropsAHCBAC315
Maintain agricultural cropsAHCBAC316
Plan and construct conventional fencingAHCINF307
Administer medication to livestockAHCLSK301
Implement animal health control programsAHCLSK309
Implement feeding plans for livestockAHCLSK311
Comply with industry animal welfare requirementsAHCLSK331
Transport and store chemicalsAHCCHM304
Prepare and apply chemicals to control pest, weeds and diseasesAHCCHM307
Control weedsAHCPMG301
Work effectively in the industryAHCWRK204
Monitor weather conditionsAHCWRK314
Provide first aidHLTAID011
Prepare livestock for competitionAHCLSK316
Operate tractorsAHCMOM202
Conduct front-end loader operationsAHCMOM207
Operate side-by-side utility vehiclesAHCMOM216
Operate quad bikesAHCMOM217
Inspect, clean machinery, tools, and equipment to preserve biosecurity AHCBIO203
Handle livestock using basic techniquesAHCLSK205
Muster and move livestockAHCLSK210
Identify and draft livestockAHCLSK308
Monitor water suppliesAHCLSK209
Provide feed for livestockAHCLSK211
Operate tractorsAHCMOM202
Undertake operational maintenance of machineryAHCMOM204
Operate machinery and equipmentAHCMOM304
Operate and maintain chainsawsAHCMOM213
Fell small treesAHCPCM205
Operate multi-rotor remote pilot aircraft systemsAVIY0027


Graduate with highly sought-after skills in mixed cropping, livestock trade and agricultural operation.

You’ll be equipped to prepare land for successful crop production and to maintain healthy crops while upholding biosecurity and sustainability best practice.

Job titles relevant to this qualification include:

  • farm labourer
  • cropping supervisor
  • machinery operator
  • farm supervisor.

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Details are correct at the time of upload and are subject to change. UQ Skills reserves the right to change programs, subjects or costs or to cancel a program based on consideration of student numbers and resource allocation. Ensure that you understand the program, subjects, associated costs and fee liability prior to signing an enrolment form. 

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General enquiries

Telephone: +61 7 5460 1353
Email: uqskills@uq.edu.au

RTO code: #1511

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