Student support
Find additional information about UQ Skills, including policies and processes, roles and responsibilities and student support services.
Access the Learner Portal
UQ Skills students access learning resources through the secure Learner Portal (login required).
After enrolment in your course, you will receive an email invitation to activate your Learner Portal account.
UQ Skills Student Handbook
Download a copy of the 2025 UQ Skills Student Handbook (PDF, 2.5 MB).
You'll find information about:
- program offerings
- application and enrolment processes
- fees and funding
- assessment processes
- student support services
- student rights and responsibilities
- complaints and appeals, grievances and refunds
- graduation information.
The handbook also includes information about our policies and procedures.
Read the handbook before you start your program.
Create your Unique Student Identifier (USI)
If you're studying a nationally recognised training program in Australia, you will need to create a Unique Student Identifier (USI).
Your USI is your personal education number for life, and also provides an online record of your training achievements.
Your USI account contains all your training records and results (transcript), which you will often need to provide when applying for a job or enrolling in further study.
You can access your USI account online at any time.
Visit the Australian Government website to create your USI and manage your account.
Fees vary from program to program.
Visit our program pages and select the program you are interested in for fees information.
Alternatively, see our schedule of fees (PDF, 216.7 KB).
Learner fee protection
If UQ Skills is unable to provide services for which the learner has prepaid, the learner will:
- be placed into an equivalent course such that:
- the new location is suitable to the learner; and
- the learner receives the full services for which they have prepaid at no additional cost to the learner; or
- be paid a refund of any prepaid fees for services yet to be delivered above the threshold prepaid fee amount.
For further information please visit the Australian Government Australian Skills Quality Authority website.
If you inform us you wish to cancel your enrolment ten (10) business days or more prior to the commencement of a program, will be entitled to a full refund of fees paid.
If you inform us you wish to cancel your enrolment nine (9) business days or less prior to the commencement of a program, you will be entitled to a partial refund. The amount retained by UQ Skills will be 25% of the total fees paid or the non-refundable enrolment fee.
If you cancel your enrolment after your program commences, you’re not entitled to a refund of fees and will incur the entire cost of the training.
UQ Skills is required to cover the costs of staff and resources that have already been committed based on a student’s initial intention to undertake the training.
Please refer to our full refund policy in the 2025 UQ Skills Student Handbook (PDF, 2.5 MB).
Term dates
- Term 1: 10 February — 17 April
- Term 2: 6 May — 11 July
- Term 3: 28 July — 3 October
- Term 4: 20 October — 12 December
Student services
If you need personal, financial, academic or health advice while studying with us, contact the Student Central team.
They're here to help with:
- student administration
- health and wellbeing
- counselling
- accommodation
- diversity, disability and inclusion
- learning skills
- settling into your studies.
Complaints policy
If you wish to lodge a complaint, you (or your nominated representative) will need to initially make a formal or informal approach to your trainer/assessor.
To make a formal complaint, email your completed complaints form and information release form to
You will need to provide the following information:
- the circumstances surrounding the situation
- date and location of occurrence
- the parties involved in the situation
- why a complaint is being lodged
- any evidence to support your complaint
- the name/s of any witnesses who can support your claim.
We will forward your complaint to the training coordinator and/or centre director and recorded in writing. If, however, the complaint involves your trainer/assessor, you (or your nominated representative) will need to make a formal or informal approach to the training coordinator and/or centre director.
All attempts will be made by UQ Skills to resolve the complaint internally with all parties involved. View UQ Skills' Complaint Handling Policy (PDF, 141.3 KB)
If, however, the grievance/complaint cannot be resolved, UQ’s Student Grievance Resolution Policy includes a process to be followed for resolving a range of issues.
The UQ Union (Student Union) is also available to assist and advocate on your behalf. For more information, visit these web pages:
You can also seek help from the Australia Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). If you have been unable to resolve the issue with UQ Skills, you may be able to submit a complaint to ASQA.
Contact ASQA:
- Phone: 1300 701 801
- Email:
- Website:
Appeals policy
If you wish to lodge an appeal, email us your completed UQ Skills appeals form (DOCX, 88.6 KB) to
The appeals process applies to all and to any aspect of UQ Skills' decisions or advice relating to an outcome, result or decision that has been issued via a transcript or communicated advice to the individual recipient or student.
Appeals are then applicable when the individual recipient or student does not agree with the final decision, outcome or determination. For example, in the case of a training assessment outcome, when an assessment has been made and the student has been deemed Not Competent (NC), the student may not agree with this decision and therefore may appeal the determination.
An appeal and reassessment process is an integral part of all training and assessment pathways leading to a nationally recognised qualification or Statement of Attainment under the qualification.
A fair and impartial appeals process is made available to the student. If you wish to appeal your assessment result, first discuss the issue with your trainer/assessor. If you would then still like to proceed further with the request, you must make a formal request in writing that outlines the reason(s) for the appeal, including the reasons you believe your assessment result is incorrect or unfair. This should be forwarded to your training coordinator (or UQ Skills Director), who will implement a formal process and record the appeal in writing.
UQ Skills’ time period for the acceptance of appeals is 30 days after you have been issued with the results of your assessment or advice indicating a refusal. Feedback in writing will be provided within four weeks after the appeal has been lodged.
Each person lodging an appeal has an opportunity to formally present their case. In the first instance, the appeal will be reviewed via the training coordinator. The response to each appeal will provide you with a written statement of the appeal outcomes, including the reason for the decision.
If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you can request to discuss the matter with the UQ Skills director and have the decision reviewed. Should the outcome of this process not be acceptable, you can escalate the matter to be reviewed by the CEO of UQ Skills. View UQ Skills' Appeals Handling Policy (PDF, 133 KB).
Should all attempts via UQ Skills fail to satisfy your appeal, you may lodge a complaint with the Australia Skills Quality Authority (ASQA).
Contact ASQA
- Phone: 1300 701 801
- Email:
- Website:
Disclaimer: Details are correct at the time of upload and are subject to change. UQ Skills reserves the right to change programs, subjects or costs or to cancel a program based on consideration of student numbers and resource allocation. Ensure that you understand the program, subjects, associated costs and fee liability prior to signing an enrolment form.
RTO code: #1511